Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Elk Hunting

Going elk hunting has really changed over the years.  Some of our first trips were in a summer tent and the freezing weather would make icicles on the inside of it.  For a few years, Bill packed in with our horses and stayed in wall tents.  Sometimes, he would just drive to and from the hunting areas.  Well, for the last four years Bill and I and Kay and Lee (Teri's sister and her hubby) have taken our travel trailers to elk camp.  Bill and Lee do a great job of doing whatever needs to be done around camp so that Teri and Kay will be warm and comfy.  It's a good system.  The gals cook dinners but the rest of day we enjoy reading, visiting and walking and the guys get to hunt all they want.
We very comfy in our travel trailer and spend a lot of time using it.  Our travels, fishing trips and elk camps which always include family and friends have created a lot of special memories for us.
The success for this elk season was Jason's boss, Chad Hummel, filling his special cow elk permit.  The only glitch in Chad's hunting trip was when a rock fell on his travel trailer on his trip home.  He said it sounded like something exploded when the rock hit it.  The rock was about 6 x 18 inches in size and caused about $8,000 of damage which fortunately his insurance will cover.
The last two years we have camped in a gravel pit which keeps us out of the trees (not so worried when the wind blows) and provides good drainage when it rains or snows.  We got to watch this truck driver load some gravel with the front end loader, leave to deliver the gravel somewhere and then come back to get the front end loader.
The last campfire of the elk season.
Lee and Kay are hooking up their trailer to make the trip home to Puyallup.  We were happy that the weather was good as it takes some time to break camp.  Actually, the weather was quite good for the two and a half weeks that we camped.  We had a couple of wind storms but the guys had the awnings and everything else anchored well.   
Had to have some pictures before we headed our separate ways - Kay and Lee to Puyallup on the westside of the mountains and Bill and Teri to Tieton on the eastside of the mountains.
Jason was drawn for a special deer permit for the Tacoma watershed.  Once he was drawn for the permit, he had to complete a lot of forms to be able to hunt in the watershed which he was happy to do.  It's like a private hunting area because only a limited number of hunters are allowed to hunt there.  This special hunt was after the regular elk season.  Bill really wanted to go with Jason but he was on jury duty.  After several days of hunting as he was heading home for the day, this buck ran in front of him.  Good job, Jason, and thanks to Beau Burkett who hunted with Jason during most of the season.

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