Friday, July 19, 2013

The Little Sherwoods Gardening Adventure

Jason had been getting ready for their first year of gardening at their new place since they moved there.  He picked out a spot that got plenty of sun, put up a fence and composted horse manure.  
Peppers and brussel sprouts were only two of the veggies that were tried.  They also did cauliflower, broccoli, corn, tomatoes, beans, carrots, summer squash.  They also started some strawberries.  Oh, Megan planted her sunflower, Bob.
A full view of the garden.
Nice cauliflower and beans!!
Jason also has beehives.  They were able to sell some of the honey this year.  He does this with his boss (and friend), Chad Hummel.  They keep learning more and more about sustaining their hives.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Awesome 65th Birthday for Teri!

What an awesome birthday present for Teri's 65th birthday!  Family photos!  Becky arranged for the photographer and got everyone gathered in Yakima (only Jayden was missing).  Teri's two favorites - family and photos!
The setting for the photos was Randall Park in Yakima.  The lighting was perfect and everyone had great fun.  What an extra special memory!!
In the middle 1990's, we had a photo of this same group.  It will be awesome to have this new one framed next to it!
The old men in our family!
Teri with her kids.
Bill and Becky.
The grandkids were so much fun.  They really got into the spirit!
Lots of goofy poses!
Love all these amazing grandkids!
Family groups.  Oops!  How did we forget to have pictures of Mike and Becky's family?  Argh!
All the guys and all the gals!!  And all the couples!
Becky and her bros!
Young couples!
Ahh!  So done!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Roses and Carnations

Flowers are always great for birthdays - Teri turned 65 on July 10, 2013.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Yikes - No Air Conditioning

On Saturday, June 30th, we were enjoying a nice glass of ice tea but became suspicious when we smelled something burning and heard some strange noises.  We both started looking around for the source of all of this.  Quickly discovered that the air conditioner had somehow malfunction and the condensation was shorting out this part.  There were flames and smoke.  We were lucky to be home when this occurred.  Could have been disastrous.  
Of course, this also happened when we had an unusual heat wave - over 100 degrees for 5 days.  It took a week to get the new unit and have it installed.  The repairman were super busy with other jobs because of the heat wave but they did a great job.  We were fortunate to be able to use our travel trailer that has air conditioning.  Also, grateful that the cost was covered by our homeowners insurance.  The insurance company was probably happy that the whole house didn't burn down.  They settled the claim quickly and professionally.